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Oregano Roasted Brussel Sprouts, Baked Eggs

When my brother underwent cancer treatment and we (him and my family) became hard-core vegans, I began to thoroughly research the intersection of diet and health, in particular, cancer. All the literature agrees that cruciferous vegetables are potent anti-cancer agents, not just because of their many nutrients, but in particular because of a compound they contain: glucosinolates.

Glucosinates are anti-cancer in many ways: they protect cells from DNA damage (a cancer cell is damaged DNA that is not repaired), inactivates carcinogens (like nitrites), induces cell death (apoptosis - this is a good thing, a cancerous cell overrides the suicide instinct so it can massively reproduce), inhibits tumor blood vessel growth (and help "starve" a tumor from growing), among many others. In particular, brussel sprouts are known for being one of the cruciferous vegetables with a higher level of glucosinolates - and they're also DELICIOUS.

This dish comes together in 20 minutes and is a breeze - one pot to prepare and clean up. Use an oven-proof skillet and watch closely when baking the eggs so you don't over cook them.


1/2 cup thinly sliced white onion (~1 medium onion, sub shallots)

10 oz / 280 gr shaved brussel sprouts, ~1 1/3 cup (if unable to find shaved brussel sprouts, pulse whole in food processor using slicing blade)

1 - 2 tablespoons olive oil, plus more for onions

1 teaspoons dried oregano

1 teaspoon kosher salt

freshly cracked black pepper

4 eggs

optional serving: squeeze from 1/2 lemon, dash of red pepper flakes, avocado

Preheat oven to 450°F.

Heat a splash of oil in oven-proof skillet over medium heat. Add onion and cook until soft and just starting to become translucent, ~5-7 minutes.

Meanwhile, toss brussel sprouts, 2 tablespoons of oil, salt and lots of freshly cracked black pepper in a large bowl. If you are wary of black pepper, know you can always add more at the end. Adjust oil so that brussel sprout have a thin coating of oil, only just slightly glossy. Add to pan with onions and cook together for 30 seconds.

Transfer to oven and roast until brussel sprouts begin to toast and soften, ~10-12 minutes. Remove from oven, toss, and crack eggs on top. Place back in oven and cook until egg whites are just set, and yolk is still a bit runny, ~5 minutes. Keep an eye on them - they quickly go from just right to over cooked (and consider they will keep cooking in pan when you remove from oven).

Crack a dash of black pepper, sprinkle with red pepper flakes and if desired, squeeze lemon juice on top. Serve with avocado and toast.

Serves 2



1/2 taza cebolla blanca cortada en rajas delgadas (de ~1 cebolla mediana)

280 gramos de coles de bruselas ralladas, ~1 1/3 cup (usar food processor con la cuchilla de rebanar si solo tienes coles de bruselas enteras)

1 - 2 cucharadas aceite de oliva, y un poco más para la cebolla

1 cucharadita oregano seco

1 cucharadita sal kosher

pimienta recién molida

4 huevos

opcional para servir: 1/2 limón amarillo, hojuelas de chile rojo seco, aguacate

Precalentar horno a 230°C.

Calentar un poco de aceite en un sartén grueso que se pueda meter al horno. Agregar cebolla y cocinar hasta que se suavice y este apenas traslucida (acitronar), unos ~5-7 minutos.

Mientras se cuece la cebolla, mezclar coles de bruselas, 2 cucharadas de aceite de oliva, sal y mucha pimienta molida en un tazón. Podrás agregar más pimienta al final. Las coles de bruselas deben de tener una capa fina de aceite - que estén un poco brillosas. Agregar al sartén junto con las cebollas y cocinar 30 segundos más, mezclando bien todo.

Transferir al horno y asar coles de bruselas, hasta que comiencen a tostarse y suavizar, unos ~10-12 minutos. Sacar del horno (dejarlo prendido), revolver, y colocar los huevos sobre las verduras (a que se vean como huevos estrellados). Regresar al horno, y hornear hasta que las claras se pongan blancas opacas y las yemas del huevo sigan suaves. Ojo - quieres que el huevo esta cocido pero la yema sigue tierna, y rápidamente se puede pasar a sobre cocido.

Servir con pimienta recién molida, espolvorear con las hojuelas de chile secas, el jugo de limón amarillo. Acompañar con aguacate y pan tostado.

Serves 2


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